#2 - 16 Tips for Proper B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S P-R-O-T-O-C-O-L

#2 - 16 Tips for Proper B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S    P-R-O-T-O-C-O-L

Note: If you read the previous article in our Business Protocol series, you've been waiting for a little longer than you thought for this follow up! We apologize for the delay and are excited to bring you the 2nd installment. This series will continue for the next few weeks, this time without delay, so check back in next week for more on this and other topics!

Here is a brief review of what we covered last time:

B- Be on time.

U- Use the 'relate to' model to help remember names and titles.

Now, let's get into new material:

S - Stay an arm’s length away from coworkers in order to avoid the perception of getting in another’s space. In an age where at times it seems so easy to offend others, it’s just best to be careful.

I - It is important to understand the culture of your organization. The culture refers to the beliefs and habits of the organization. For example, if you are all about looking for improvement opportunities but you are in an organization whose culture is more like “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” you will need to understand that culture in order to increase your effectiveness in bringing about change. Specifically, you will probably need to adopt a less assertive, more laid back approach to your suggestions.

N - Never become intoxicated at a business function. You don’t want visions of your inebriated self popping into the head of the executive team when you are being considered for a promotion!

That's it for this week! We'll be finishing up 'business' next week, visit our blog for more great information!
