New '12 Driving Forces': Improve Morale, Corporate Culture, Productivity, Employee Retention, and More!

New '12 Driving Forces': Improve Morale, Corporate Culture, Productivity, Employee Retention, and More!

A great new tool to help you hire, manage, and develop your most important asset: your people. 

We always want to keep you updated on the products and resources we have available.

Many of you are already familiar with our behavior assessment, the DISC. Created and distributed by Target Training International, widely recognized as a pioneering leader in professional development and the science of people, the DISC has helped our clients save money, hire better talent, increase productivity and engagement, and help managers and leaders get the most out of their people. 
In addition to the DISC, we have a number of other assessments available, and we want to highlight one here. Over the past year or so, TTI, based on cutting edge research and feedback from their thousands of clients, has been working on a new assessment called 'The 12 Driving Forces'. 
The 12 Driving Forces assessment allows you to see what motivates your employees. Put another way, it looks at what drives them to perform. Driving forces, also known as motivators, can be referred to as the aspects of life that you are passionate about, things that you perceive as important, or the thoughts that provide you with purpose and direction in life. Some people live their entire lives and are never asked to identify what truly drives them. You could work with a person for years and not be able to identify their true motivators. Why? Because our motivators are tucked away in a part of our brain we have difficulty accessing.
TTI's extensive research showed that people are generally driven by a combination of these 12 Driving Forces, and this assessment shows you what those are.
So, what are the advantages to understanding what motivates someone? Great question! When you know what drives a person you can:
1) Create better alignment between their drivers and their role in your company,
                                                  which in turn...
2) Increases productivity and morale,
                                                   which leads to...
3) Greater levels of employee engagement.
According to a Gallup study, companies with higher levels of employee engagement have:          

     27% higher profits,

     50% higher sales,

     50% higher customer loyalty levels,

     38% above average productivity.

Are you ready to learn more about how 12 Driving Forces can benefit your company? Give us a call!
As an added bonus, we are offering a number of complimentary Driving Forces assessments and a debrief during the roll-out - let us know if you would like to participate in this offer!
To learn more, visit, send us an email to, or give us a call at 423.718.7402. We appreciate your business and are excited to offer you this great product!